
A devastating sense of cruel futility drives Samuel Maoz’s daring film, honing in on parents’ grief after their soldier son has been killed.


Michael and Dafna are devastated when army officials show up at their home to announce the death of their son Jonathan. Michael becomes increasingly frustrated by overzealous mourning relatives and well-meaning army bureaucrats. While his sedated wife rests, Michael spirals into a whirlwind of anger only to experience one of life’s unfathomable twists which rival the surreal military experiences of his son.





  • 2017 Foxtrot
  • 2009 Lebanon
  • 2005 The Insufferable Lightness (Documentary)
  • 1999 The King Lives (TV Drama)


Lior Ashkenazi, Sarah Adler, Yonatan Shiray, Gefen Barkai, Dekel Adin, Shaul Amir, Itay Exlroad, Danny Isserles, Itamar Rotschild, Roi Miller, Arie Tcherner, Yehuda Almagor, Shira Haas, Karin Ugowski


Script: Samuel Maoz
Director of photographyGiora Bejach
Editing: Arik Lahav Leibovich, Guy Nemesh
Sound: Alex Claude, Samuel Cohen, Ansgar Frerich
Production companies: Pola Pandora Filmproduktions, Spiro Films, A.S.A.P. Films,  Bord Cadre films, KNM
Producers: Michael Weber, Viola Fügen, Eitan Mansuri, Cedomir Kolar, Marc Baschet, Michel Merkt
Coproducers: Jonathan Doweck, Jamal Zeinal Zade
Associate producers: Meinolf Zurhorst, Olivier Père, Rémi Burah, Dan Wechsler, Jim Stark

Technical Data

Format: DCP / colour / 1.85:1 / 5.1
Length: 114′ min.
Original languages: Hebrew, Arabic, German
Subtitles: English, French, German